Sammy Davis Jr. was an American singer, musician, actor, dancer, and comedian. He
along with Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin formed the “Rat Pack”.

On a certain occasion, when he was working as a singer and entertainer in a luxury
restaurant, Sammy Davis Jr. came on stage, took the microphone and addressing those
present said: “Dear friends, who hasn’t felt, ever in your life, either for one reason
or another, have no desire to go to work. This is how I feel tonight, so, with your
permission, I’m going to retire. But, to not disappoint you, the least I can do is invite
you. Eat and drink what you want, my treat. Good evening”.
That grace cost him $ 17,000 (about $ 102,000 today), but it made him a millionaire in

REFERENCE: Selections from the Reader’s Digest.