It is likely that in the future it will be possible to travel to the past, but not as seen in some science fiction movies or novels, or by resorting to ships or complicated time machines, but by resorting to something much more complex still; in fact, resorting to the most complex thing that exists in the known universe: our brain.
Below are some posters or advertisements for movies, television series or novels that deal with the much-desired time travel:
Poster for the television series “The Time Tunnel”. In the series, the time machine is a large underground complex located in an Arizona desert. It premiered in 1966.
Poster for the movie “The Time Machine”, released in 1960, based on the novel of the same name by the British writer H. G. Wells, who published it in 1895.
Brick Bradford and his “time top” (ship that could travel to the past or future). It was a science fiction newspaper strip. It first appeared in the Sunday strip sections of major US newspapers in 1933. You could still see it in some Latin American newspapers in the 1970s.
Returning to the subject, in order to “travel to the past” using our brain, the following requirements must be met:
That the brain stores all the memories and experiences that we have throughout our lives, all the sensations that come to us through our five senses, that is, all the images, sounds, smells, tastes and what we perceive with the sense of touch .
That all this information remains stored there and is not lost over the years. I have not found any research results that have rigorously shown this to be true. What I have found are claims, without any scientific weight, that the brain not only remembers our entire lives, but also the events of our previous lives; I mean, I’m talking about reincarnation.
May some means be found to bring all these memories to light, whether through hypnosis, some drug, some brain surgery, or some other means, currently unknown.
That these memories brought to light can be remembered after the action that made it possible for them to surface is finished. Otherwise, it would be as if they had never happened and we would be the same as at the beginning.
There is much speculation about what can be done in the future, but sometimes expectations do not materialize, as is the case with space exploration. When man landed on the Moon in 1969, many claimed that man would land on Mars by the year 2000. And other times, unbelievably, reality exceeded predictions, as is the case with telecommunications and cell phones.
In the same way, as far as brain research is concerned, the development of its possibilities could go down paths that we do not even suspect now.
REFERENCES: For the article: None. For photos: Internet.