When I reached adolescence I got into the habit, on Saturdays, of frying an egg for my breakfast, but in the form of an omelet, that is, opening the egg on a plate, beating it with a fork and throwing it in the pan. And on one occasion this dough, already in the pan and to my surprise, took a shape similar to the map of Antarctica.

Unfortunately, it was a very different time than now. Today we can take a photo with our cell phone at any time and place. But in those days, there were no cell phones, the phones were landlines and had a dial to dial the number we wanted to call. And not to mention the cameras; the common people only used them for very special occasions. Photos were hardly taken even on birthdays, but on even more special occasions. Generally, each family had only one camera, which could be well kept in the closet of the head of the family for months, without being used. And you had to buy rolls of film (the most used was used to take 24 photos) to put in the camera, and once it was gone you had to go to a specialized store, where one handed over the roll so that they developed the photos and you had to wait two or three days to pick them up.

That said, I think it will be better understood why I didn’t even think of taking a photo of the egg in the pan, in the shape of Antarctica. A rarity that today would be a reason to take not one but many more. If by chance the kind reader happens to be lucky enough to have his fried egg take the shape of Antarctica, he can send me the photo and I will gladly publish it on this blog.